maanantai 18. heinäkuuta 2011


You can make fixing wall cladding and roof cladding easier and enact work of better quality by afterward certain standard procedures. We look at certain key procedures in the following sections. There is no pursuit to include whole-hog the finer points. Instead the aim is to give an overview and indicate some key points that need attention.

The first step is to cook the bottom and inception edge pieces, by screwing them to the wall. Next comes the mishap of shifting the cladding sheets into these pieces. Once the sheet is domination place, the horizontal joints are attached to the vertical ends of the sheets and screwed into the wall. Next comes fixing internal further external angles at corners, and around doors and windows.

We look at these fixing steps in a little more detail below.

Top and Bottom Edges

All four edges of all sheets must correspond to secured to the wall. In eminently cases, J edges, H joints and internal/external angles can do the job. Where necessary, Maxbash Skirting can be used at its bottom instead of a J edge. For very uneven walls, two-piece joints can be used between sheets.

Where only wall cladding is being installed, the top edges can also be secured using the J edge. If ceiling cladding is also being installed, you command hoist trapping the top of the wall cladding sheets with the ceiling. Alternatively, a 2-piece internal corner is used as a coving.

Good quality silicone beading is used between the wall and J edge/Maxbash skirting to discharge them permanently to the palisade and floor.

Fixing Cladding Sheets

Flex a cladding piece into the takeoff and bottom J edges besides fit a one-piece H joint to the vertical edge of its sheet, leaving necessary space for any expansion in the sheet. Secure the joint to its wall.

Now flex in a second sheet into the J edges and H joint and fix the bracket on the other vertical corner of the sheet. remain the procedure till the walls are fully covered.

Silicone sealant is used between sheets and J edges/H joints to seal the sheets.


Corners are typically fixed using internal and peripheral angles. If the corners are not square, a catholic angle is used. This type of angle has a flexible center which can be bent to a desired degree.


The above outline is intended only to give a general hypothesis. There could personify finer points that lust to be mastered to solve specific problems in actual working. For these, you can refer to the instruction manual that comes with the sheets. bring about take the trouble to go through the manual carefully. irrefutable could mean the difference between quality work besides less-than-perfect work.


This article outlined how cladding sheets are native to walls. The distinctive procedure is to screw the bottom and top J edges first, flex a piece into them, fix an H joint to the straight edge of the sheet, add the next piece into this joint because of well the the own J edges, and so on.

Corners are appropriate using internal and out angles.

Good set silicone sealant is used to ensure waterproof sealing of the entire surface.Visit Original SourceHOME DESIGN SOFTWARE

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