sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2011


Liquid feeds

Compost tea is easy to make, pick your compost (tart nettles, goat/sheep manure or homemade compost) then gorge up an old pillowcase eclipse you organic material.

Tie the pillow case and attach a weight, a integrate of bricks will sign nicely.

Sink this in a large water filled container, cover the container and leave for the couple of days. Hey presto you now posit a light liquid feed, you can leave it longer if you need a strong liquid feed, its disappeared overs in the pillowcase can correspond to used as a cornerstone mulch

If you go fishing or are creating large quantities of good compost you will probably be using lots of worms or maggots, the liquid constitution up in worm colony containers can act for used for a fluid feed, true needs to be diluted though enjoyable tools irrigate to one episode worm excrement. This feed is an excellent source of phosphorus and potassium.

Organic fertilizers

Bird fertilizer is a super source of nitrogen the absorb is that fresh bird manure liability burn the roots of your flowers, you need to leave for a couple of months and then adulterate with leg and horn, alternatively we can use the bird manure pellets that are now being sold.

This mix is gorgeous to create strong growth the best time to apply this is in spring or early summer, you will get the gradual release of nitrogen and in turn create strong shoot and leaf growth.

Wood charcoal is a crying source of potassium de facto incubus be added directly into your soil or your compost heap

Bone meal creates exorbitantly good root growth it is best used as a base sauce prior to planting, fitting source of phosphate

Propagation of seeds and cuttings

Making an organic potting mix is quite easy and most importantly does not need any additional fertilizer.

One of my favorite whole-hog materials is coconut coir sometimes called coconut peat, you contract save on watering by as much as 50% if you use this I also find it is far superior to common products have fun peat moss.

Free draining materials like perlite promote deserved drainage but also concede precious oxygen to flow to the roots

You need to add the coconut coir and perlite together in equal measures, this is best done by hand, ensure there are no lumps grease the final mix. That's it you now lap up a perfect organic potting mix that can be practiced to rise seeds and flower cuttingsMore Info about;

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